App Review


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  • Last updated January 8, 2018 at 9:18 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
How is this relevant to your future classroom? How could you use this? How did you find the app - also how could it be better for your needs.

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App Review Reflection

This is very relevant to my future citizenship education aka social studies classroom. I can use this in my classroom to get involved with polling on real issues to understand more what it’s like to participate in civilized society as a responsible citizen. We can take the talk out of the classroom, students can actually get involved instead of just talking in class about what it’s like to participate. Maggy Cooper got a list of apps from Dr. Cullen and this app was on it. I would like it if this app offered more of a platform for discussion over the issues as well, but the app the way it is is amazing still. 
dominiquen About 7 years ago


This is an app that I really love working with and will definitely use this in my classroom. You can use this as an assessment method or learning activity. It is hands on and engaging for students to create movies. Time lapses, stop motions animation, or live action movies are some examples of lessons that could work for virtually any age. It is an easy to use app and the only part of that I would change would be adding a feature to go back and only change one slide instead of delete all of them. It is good for young children to use and applicable in the classroom. 
bellaevans0 About 7 years ago


While I have a passion for Special Education, I also have a strong passion for History. Therefore, I hope to teach either special education or history in my future classroom someday, or both if I am lucky enough. Since I want to teach history, I could use this app as a review tool for my future students. Giving them access to an app that gives them descriptions, photos, and a navigable timeline will aid them in their understanding of when events occurred throughout history, what they could have possibly affected in the future, and even provide a basis to begin researching from for projects. I found the app when searching through the app store with the search topic being "American History." I do wish the app had more options for accessibility. For example, options to enlarge images and text even more. I also wish they had cited some more of their references for their descriptions to give students access to more resources.
jordanburnison About 7 years ago

Reflection of Tiny Tap

This app is relevant to my future classroom because I can create, share, and assign lessons for my individual students to complete for homework or class work that pertains to the concept being taught in my class.

I will use this app in my future classroom to create lessons for students and have students create their own lessons to teach concepts to their peers in a creative, interactive, and fun way.

I found the app by exploring the educational apps on the App Store. I just kind of found it and thought it looked interesting so I studied it further and found out how useful it is.

I think this app can be tailored to anyone’s needs, not just my own. This app allows for creativity and personalization in almost every aspect. I would recommend this app for classroom use.
sarahr2019 About 7 years ago


This app could be very useful to my future classroom because it allows kids and teachers off all ages to create a quick presentation of knowledge learned or concepts being taught. I could use this in my classroom with creating mini lessons, explaining a complicated concept, or having students express their knowledge through a concept just taught. I found this app when doing a technology workshop and I thought it was very easy and useful. This could be useful for me when I become a teacher. I think a fun activity to do would be to use it for students to introduce themselves. 
mcne4432 About 7 years ago

Great app for studying terms and ID's

This app would be very helpful in my future social studies classroom. Part of learning history is learning new terms and ID's so this app could turn boring study habits of filling out worksheets into a fun game that encourages students to challenge each other and help each other learn. I could use this app by pairing students up or putting them in small groups to quiz each other. I could also use this app with the whole class by having two teams compete for the most correct answers. Each team would rotate who is holding the iPad and guessing the term while the rest of the team provides the definitions and clues for that student. This App would be great for my students but also me so that I can ask students which terms they keep missing or don't know so that I know what to review with them. I found this app under the middle school Education tab on the App Store.
mcorbly About 7 years ago

Elevate is an app that allows you to build on your existing knowledge.

Elevate is an app that allows you to build on your existing knowledge. The app provides a quiz that determined your levels in reading, writing, and math. Based on these levels it determines what needs work and then provides questions to answer and study. I think this app could be beneficial in building on prior knowledge and continued learning in subjects that students have confusion in. It could also provide more instruction to allow students to learn beyond their learning levels. This app can used in a classroom if students need more studying, also allowing for independent work. I feel that it could better fit my needs as a teacher if I could see each my students accounts and basically have an overview of their questions and answers. If I had access to their accounts it would allow me to see how their improving or what they are having trouble with still. 
paytonmarie About 7 years ago

Reflection - Go Noodle

Although this app is more designed for students and their families to use at home, the GoNoodle website works just the same for teachers. I think this is a great app to use to get students up and moving so that they're not just sitting at their desks for 7 hours of the day. I also think this is fun to use for younger students regarding content; if you can find a video of the topic you are studying, then it's the perfect way to get students engaged in an extremely fun way. I would definitely want to use this in my future classroom and also think it's great that they have created a way for students to use it at home on their tablets or smartphones. 
cydneedwyer About 7 years ago

Reflection on Class Dojo

As a future teacher for younger students I think this app is excellent! I think it could even be used for older students as well. The app is free and I think it is a great tool for teachers to keep track of the students and how they are doing in the classroom. I really like the idea of a point system and how the app can create unbiased groups for you. With the use of this app, it really makes rewarding students more enjoyable and provides an easier way to communicate with parents. This app is relevant to my classroom because I can use it as an everyday message on the board, a way to track behavior, sending messages to parents, sharing what the class did each day, and ability to play music or use a timer. Also, this app has the ability for you to connect with other teachers classrooms in your school as well. There is so many different ways I could apply this app in my classroom and I don’t think I could find an app that would fit my needs better than this one.
samanthamontz About 7 years ago

Reflection of App

I would definitely want to use this app in my future classroom. As a special education major this app had many things that could be beneficial to my students. It is engaging and fun and has so many options to choose from. It had a logical section that would be awesome to do a lesson on and  what to do when we go in the lunch room. It works on the alaphbet, shapes, numbers, phonetics and logical sitiuations. It is engaging and could help a student learn curriculum in a different way. I would also use this to help kids write their name. It had an awesome tracing section of letters. I found this app while browsing the App Store and it looked very engaging and when I explored it I really did love it. As a teacher we want our teaching to be enabling and motivating and for some students this could help tremendously with that. I was having fun playing with this app. 
katywright About 7 years ago


Using apps such as Brainsparker are great tools to provide students the necessary prompting that one might have trouble finding when doing journal entries in English classrooms. Since I want to teach high school English, and one of my top goals is to have students write daily journals for class participation, it would be awesome to use this app as it would take work off my load in needing to make up prompts, and it also allows the student to take action and choose what they want to write about. They are taking credit for their own work and using prompts that interest them, which will help their creativity in the long run. Like I said in my video, however, I wish that the card packs included specific subjects areas, that way you could focus the inspiration on a relevant subject rather than a multitude of different options. The app is focused more for writers than educators but I think that using it as a free resource would be beneficial in the long run. 
cassvandervoort About 7 years ago


This app is relevant to my future classroom because it is a great tool for learning sight words, vocabulary, and sentence structures. I would use this app as a tool to get students more involved in learning new words. By giving them the ability to create lists on this app, they are getting more involved and making it more personalized to them. I could use this app for almost all vocabulary words we might have and for any new words we learn about throughout the days. I found this app while looking at educational apps in the App Store. I think this app would be great for my needs because it is so customizeable that it is great for personalized and differeientiated learning. It is also amazing since it’s so customizeable it can easily be tied into our curriculum. It could be better for my needs if it was free and came with a tutorial explaining the customization. I also think it would be better if it was expanded to include spelling. Instead of having the students make just sentences, it would be beneficial if there was a spelling option to have them make words as well as the sentences. 
chelseasch About 7 years ago