Kallie Sager

Place where you can write extra details

expanded notes

  • April 2, 2017 at 12:59 PM
  • Visible to public
iPad App Evaluation for the classroom checklist:

Bloom's Taxonomy: I feel like Classify It! checks the Remember, Understanding, Apply, and Analyze box. In the app the student is able to do everything except evaluate and create. There is no way, other than keeping a journal, for the student to evaluate their knowledge in the app. 

Gardner's Multiple Intelligences: It checked the few boxes of Interpersonal and Logical. There is not much opportunity for much creativity or collaboration in order to expand their multiple intelligences.

21st Century Skills: It allows for Connection and Critical Thinking. The students would easily be able to connect ideas from the lectures and curriculum to the information in the app. 

21st Century Literacies: As I said in the video, it is a fairly simple app that doesn't give much opportunity for sharing outside of the app. I said it expands on the Basic and Information Literacies, so the students will not be getting all of their technology education within this app. 

Content and Components: This app allows for a little Personalization, Differentiation, Curriculum Connections, and Authenticity. However, they cannot officially Publish their results. 

This app will not be use to replace worksheets, however the students can use it to test their understanding of the concepts.