Post a photo of yourself at the conference.Take a photo of yourself at the CUE 2016 National Conference. More Info |
Briefly describe your learning goals.What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference. More Info |
Cynthia LipsigClipsig86 |
Cynthia NixonTeachingTechNix |
Danielle CarlisleDCarlisle |
Danny Silvadsilvacue |
David Plattdavideplatt |
Diane MendozaMendoza805 |
Dustin EllisDustin772 |
Elaine DorlisMrsDorlis |
Elizabeth WellsElwells |
Ellen PalmerPUSDMrsPalmef |
Gabrielle HendersonGabrielle9 |
Genevieve ReiferGenReifer |
Amber Henreyahenrey |
Anne WolffAwolff |
Ben Roomebenroome |
Ben RoomeBen-Roome |
Bethany SchwappachMsSchwappach |
Bethany ThompsonBethany |
Brynn HutchisonBrynnHutch |
Chris GilliattCGilliatt |
Christine TelloCstello17 |
Claudia P. Tibbscptibbs |
Elizabeth Calhoonecalhoon |
Henry DanielsonHenryD |