Post a photo of yourself at the conference.Take a photo of yourself at the CUE 2016 National Conference. More Info |
Briefly describe your learning goals.What topics are you interested in learning about at the CUE 2016 National Conference? Or, what did you learn while attending the conference? In three sentences or more, describe your learning goals for this year's CUE National Conference. More Info |
Bertha Romanbroman |
Beth HeydenBheyden1 |
Bill Harris_wharris |
Brandi Millerteacherbrandi |
Brandon SchutNodnarbTuhcs |
Brian WisecvWise |
Burt Loburtlo |
C. ChowMsChow |
Cara Bryantcarabryant |
Carissa duranSeejodee |
Carol CrivelliCcrivelli |
Carolyn AlexanderAlexanderTLS |
Rebecca Morrisbeccalmorris843 |
Ryan Bradfordmrbradford |
Sarah CampCampsCrusaders |
Stacy BarnesSBarnes75 |
Stephanie Kuperskuper |
Tiffany MummaMumma |
Toby RitenourTobyritenour |
Whitney Hardcastlethewhit |