Evidence of ParticipationShare evidence of your participation in #CLMOOC 2016. You might upload a link to a make you created, or a Hangout you viewed, or a tweet you wrote. In the spirit of #CLMOOC, you choose the evidence of your participation. More Info |
Algot Runemanalgotruneman |
Jennifer Denslowjdenslow |
Joe Dillononewheeljoe |
Kevin HodgsonDogtrax |
Lauren ZuckerLGZreader |
Michael BuistBuistBunch |
Raymond MaxwellRay1406 |
Ronald LeunissenRonald_2008 |
Sarah HoneychurchNomadWarMachine |
Sheri EdwardsSheri42 |
Sue Tuckersueinasp |
Susan WatsonMoshie217 |