1. Visit WikiVisit the Software Training Wiki to discover what resources we have available. The glossary may be of particular use to you when you're starting out. Click "Post your evidence" and paste a new term you've learned. More Info |
2. Learn the process for earning a software badgeLearn how to apply for a badge, and post answers to these questions: For most badges, does your project need to use all the tools listed? Who is the current evaluator for your favorite software? Should you press "Request Feedback" before or after you show your project to the evaluator? More Info |
3. Plan which badges you want to earn firstTo be eligible for your raise at the end of each semester, you will need to earn at least 3 badges, prioritizing badges for programs we get frequent questions about. View the recommended order for earning badges and submit the name of the badge you plan to complete first. More Info |
Kaden AndreasenKadenAndy05 |
Karlee Pynekarleepyne |
Katie Rosekatem88 |
Kelly Harmonkelster7 |
Kimby Jacksonkimbyj |
Lee Martin18lmartin |
Liberty Reidlibbyblue |
Lilli Vehikitelilliv |
Lily Skinnerlilyskinner1 |
Livia DeMartinilivdemartini |
Lizzie Harrislizzieharris |
Luis Jose Medinaljmedina |
Bella Hsiungbellahsiung |
Chase Oliphantoliphanc |
Christina Hsiungchristinah |
Dallin NartkerDallinNartker |
GarebearGarebear26 |
Sam Jacksonsamdjackson |