Xtreme Reading (PDer) Public

Additional SIM™ Credentials

This badge has been awarded for demonstration of competence in instructing the Xtreme Reading program to teachers.

Required Evidence

1. Partner with Xtreme Reading PDer & PD Leader

Post the name of the XR Professional Developer and Professional Development Leader who will partner with you in this process. Be in contact with your coach to clarify or problem-solve with you. More Info

2. Teach XR & Provide Evidence of Implementation

Earn the Fidelity of Implementation Credential or, for SIM Learning Strategies Professional Developers, write a reflection of what’s different between this and implementing the original LS and teach guided reading with students (complete checklist). More Info

3. Letters of Reference & Support

Ask administrator/employer to write Letter of Reference to support your participation in the professional learning and to support participation in apprenticeship requirements. Ask XR Mentor to write Letter of Support showing commitment to provide guidance while you are earning this micro-credential More Info

4. Professional Learning Experience

This professional learning will be on adult learning, working with administrators, using data to determine placement in XR, and how to plan and present an XR Institute. Post on Badge List: -Identify the Event -Name(s) of leader(s) who facilitated your sessions -Reflection about your experience More Info

5. FAQs & Suggested Reading

FAQs & Suggested Readings are used to prepare Xtreme Reading PDers to answer difficult questions that are often asked at PD sessions. Write a reflection here about how answering the FAQs has helped you to prepare (and submit responses to 15/30 SIM FAQs to your XR PD Leader). More Info

6. Co-plan and Co-present XR Institute

Co-plan and present/co-present 1 XR Overview & 2 sessions within XR Institute for new XR teacher with active XR Professional Developer. Post on Badge List: Presentation (i.e. PPT), Planning agenda, Select observation notes provided by the XR Professional Developer as feedback, PD session evaluation More Info

7. Coaching XR

Provide a supporting Video or Observation of coaching session with a teacher. Post on Badge List: -Reflection about what went well and what you would do differently next time. -Describe implementation in the instructor's class with student(s) What were successes? Challenges? How did the two of you More Info

8. Completion Date

Enter your date of completion, click the Request Feedback button when you're through. More Info

Request Feedback

Click on the Request Feedback button to notify KUCRL that you have completed your credential. More Info

Badge Overview

More information about the Xtreme Reading Program can be found at: https://sim.ku.edu/xtreme-reading

How to earn this micro-credential badge:

  • Click the green “join this badge” button and sign up/sign in if needed.
  • Post your evidence specified in the “Required Evidence” section by clicking on the blue “Post” buttons, or you can click into the Evidence section and post from there.
  • Click the request feedback and notify your SIM Professional Developer partner when you have completed posting your evidence, that is who will give final approval and award the badge. 
Evidence Pieces:
1. Partner with an Active XR PD and PD LeaderPost the name of the XR Professional Developer and Professional Development Leader who will partner with you in this process.  Be in contact with your coach to clarify or problem-solve with you.
2. Teach the XR Program and Provide Implementation Evidence on Badge List.
You may have completed the items for ‘Implementation’ by earning the Fidelity of Implementation micro-credential. If so, note the Fidelity of Implementation completion date on Badge List. If you have not, simultaneously work towards the Fidelity of Implementation Credential and submit completion date when ready.    For SIM Learning Strategies Professional Developers, write a reflection of what’s different between this and implementing the original LS and teach guided reading with students (complete Guided Reading checklist).
3. Letters of Reference and Support
Ask administrator or employer to write a Letter of Reference to support your participation in the professional learning experience tied to earning this badge and to support your participation in apprenticeship requirements.   Ask your XR Mentor (an active XR Professional Developer) to write a Letter of Support showing commitment to provide guidance while you are earning this micro-credential.
4. Participate in a professional learning experience on XR PD Delivery and Leadership
This session may be held face-to-face or as a series of webinars. The focus of this professional learning will be on adult learning, working with administrators, using student data to determine who placement in XR, and how to plan and present an XR Institute. Post on Badge List: Identify the XR Professional Learning Event you attended (location or online) Provide the name of the XR Professional Development Leaders who facilitated your sessions. Describe your experience. Write a reflection about your professional learning experience in preparation to become an XR Pder.
5. Frequently Asked Questions Assignment
To prepare XR Professional Developers to answer difficult questions that are often asked at SIM PD sessions, submit to your XR PDL your responses to 15 of 30 SIM Frequently Asked Questions. Post on Badge list: A reflection about how answering the FAQs has helped you prepare. Post FAQs on Badge List
6. Co-plan and Co-present XR Institute
Co-plan and either present or co-present one XR Overview and two sessions within an XR Institute for teacher new to XR with an active XR Professional Developer. Post on Badge List: Presentation used (such as Power Point), Planning agenda, Select observation notes provided by the XR Professional Developer as feedback, PD session evaluation
7. Coaching XR                                           
Provide a supporting Video or Observation of a coaching session with a teacher. Post on Badge List: A reflection about what went well and what you would do differently next time as a coach. Describe implementation in the instructor's class with student(s) What were the successes? What were the challenges? How did the two of you problem solve the issues? What adjustments did you make?
8. Post Completion DatePost the date you and your mentor agree that you completed the requirements for this micro-credential. 
9. Feedback
Click on the Request Feedback button to notify KUCRL that you have completed your credential.    Credential will be awarded after approval by your XR Professional Development Leader and payment for participation in the Institute has been received.

View Badge Wiki

Badge Wiki

Badge Experts


Angela Lynn Bray


Badge awarded on 9/13/21

Bonnie Palasak


Badge awarded on 9/13/21

Denise Bailey


Badge awarded on 9/13/21

Elizabeth Gibbs


Badge awarded on 9/13/21

Janet Atallah


Badge awarded on 9/13/21

Jocelyn Washburn


Badge awarded on 9/13/21

Kaitlyn Byron


Badge awarded on 6/23/23

Katelyn Hagen


Badge awarded on 9/13/21

Laura Lofton


Badge awarded on 12/15/22

Nancy Jacobs


Badge awarded on 2/6/25

Pamela Dee Leitzell


Badge awarded on 9/13/21

Rosanne Arvin


Badge awarded on 9/13/21

Badge Learners


Allison Crouch


Joined badge on 3/11/24

Deirdre Purvis


Joined badge on 4/11/21

Dr. Phyllis Hill


Joined badge on 12/9/22

Kristina Benson


Joined badge on 4/19/22

Lori Willis


Joined badge on 7/14/21

Nancy jacobs


Joined badge on 1/24/25