Google Cloud PubSub

Learning Resources

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  • Last updated November 26, 2019 at 6:46 PM by cpr
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Share links to all of the Google Cloud PubSub learning resources which were valuable to you.
Here are some links to get you started:

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Additional resource with bullet points about Pub/Sub

Testprep Training Tutorials

Cloud Pub/Sub Overview Google Professional Data Engineer GCP - Testprep Training Tutorials

use Pub/Sub as messaging-oriented middleware use as event ingestion and delivery for streaming analytics pipelines. offers durable message storage and real-time message delivery gives high availability and consistent performance at scale. It is a publish/subscribe (Pub/Sub) service senders of messages are decoupled from the receivers of messages Main terms Message: the data that moves through the service.
bgc89 Over 3 years ago

Good series on Pub/Sub and integration with other Google services


Cloud Pub/Sub Overview - ep. 1

In this first episode of Pub/Sub Made Easy, we help you get started by giving an overview of Cloud Pub/Sub. Learn how to ingest large amounts of data for ana...
sdcaulley Almost 4 years ago

Simple introduction videos about google cloud pub/sub.


Getting Started with Cloud Pub/Sub

This video walks you through how to create a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic. Pub/Sub allows you to create global real-time messaging and subscribe to topics you want to follow to stay up to date.
sunithabl Over 4 years ago