Badge Builder

Create a learning group

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated August 3, 2016 at 10:54 PM by benroome
  • Evidence visible to public
Post a link to your learning group. In order to host your badges, you'll first need to create a learning group. From the home screen, just click "+create" button to get started.

How to create a learning group

  1. Click on the home icon in the upper left corner of the Badge List screen.
  2. Click the "+create" button to the right of the "your groups" header to create a new group.
  3. Give your new group a name.
  4. That's it, now you can invite other members or admins if you like.

All posted evidence

Badgelist for my 8th grade class

Badge List

Dr. Sigelakis 8th Grade English

To join this group, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
kennedyga Over 6 years ago

My newly created learning group called "MDSS-and-his-friends". Pretty cool.

Badge List

MDSS and his friends

To join this group, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
siegelseele Over 6 years ago

I made this group

Badge List

Huntress Clan

Test group
caelanhuntress Over 6 years ago

Austin Middle School

Badge List

Austin Middle School

Tweets positively for Austin MS about students, class, and school to promote our school on a consistant basis.
angela-smyers Over 6 years ago

Austin Middle School

Badge List

Austin Middle School

Tweets positively for Austin MS about students, class, and school to promote our school on a consistant basis.
angela-smyers Over 6 years ago

For members of the Wheatland-Chili Teacher Center

Badge List


To join this group, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
carathetchr Over 6 years ago

Test group to learn how to do this

Badge List

Learning Badges - Test New Group

Figuring out badge design
chantelk Over 6 years ago

I am going to use this group to help the staff at my school learn more about GSuite.

Badge List

IES Badges

To join this group, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
lisamarie Over 6 years ago

Here is a link to the Northwest Local School District Group

Badge List

Northwest Local School District, Cincinnati, OH

To join this group, first you need to sign in or create a new account.
lsilbernagel Over 6 years ago

my learning group

Badge List


gkthompson Almost 7 years ago

Learning group for Waynesville R-VI School Tech Professional Learning

Badge List

Waynesville R-VI

nicholaslambert Almost 7 years ago

This will be where I invite members from our school district to acquire personalized PD.

Badge List


Badge List is made in San Francisco by Knowledgestreem.
darcy-gillaspy Almost 7 years ago