Use ALLLL the evidence typesBuild and issue badges that use each of the five evidence types. Link to your badges as proof! More Info |
Advanced PermissionsFor this requirement we'd like you to post a screenshot of some advanced permissions settings you're using inside a badge or badge group. Post a screenshot of your special permissions and notifications for a badge or advanced settings for a group. More Info |
Start a communityBuild a badge that has multiple people giving validations for badges. Make someone else an admin or allow experts to issue badges. Post 2 screenshots of validations given by other people for badges you built. More Info |
Overview and wikiA truly complete badge contains a well written overview and a wiki for community discussion. Build an overview and a wiki for a badge and link to them below. More Info |
Adrián Enrique Troyatroyaadrian |
Alexa curielalexacu04 |
Amanda Obidikeamandachirpy |
Ana Marias Garcia PerezAnaMariasGarcia |
Anahit MatevosyanAnahit34 |
Ben RoomeBentest |
CU WizardsCUWizards |
Constance Smith-clemensCsmith4 |
Dorian .amdorian |
Eboni MasseyEboni-Massey |
Elijah DraketuEli3298 |