MISC. 2 QR Code Creator Wildcat


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  • Last updated June 6, 2017 at 9:57 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
How do you feel the use of QR codes enhanced student learning?

All posted evidence

The use of QR codes forced students to use the concepts to successfully create puzzles rather than using words if QR codes weren't used.

dprince Almost 7 years ago

It enhanced learning.

This activity forced the students to review key concepts in a fun way from the last two units. Instead of using pencil and paper, they used electronic devices.
bmcdonner Almost 7 years ago

The students are so technology driven and the efficiency at which the QR Codes can be used. great for stations and answers being revealed.

strobertson Almost 7 years ago

It is so much easier for kids to enroll instead of using the cumbersome URL!

jill-touraine Almost 7 years ago


It was interactive but I had 30 questions, might need to scale it down
studentivey About 7 years ago


I like the QR code for the video because it makes it much quicker to get them to the correct video.  It will make it much easier to add them to my general Canvas class as well.  For the review game, it helps them to see if they understand what all should go in the 4 quadrants.  They can check to see if they are correct.
kstewart798 About 7 years ago


It was amazing not to make the students type in a long address to view a video.  They knew exactly how to scan using the iPad.
alivingston About 7 years ago