MISC. 2 QR Code Creator Wildcat

Describe how you used QR Codes with your students.

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  • Last updated June 6, 2017 at 9:57 AM
  • Evidence visible to public

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My students put together puzzles that created QR codes and then used them to check understanding for a test review.

dprince Almost 7 years ago

Reviewing for test.

We have a game created for review.  They have to match up the 4 quadrants (which have different information in them) to make a whole QR code and it gives them 4 things about the concept.
bmcdonner Almost 7 years ago

I use QR codes in a variety of ways in my classroom; signing up for Canvas, to watch videos for reteach, to signing up for Remind 101

strobertson Almost 7 years ago

I used a QRCode to enroll students in our Canvas course.

jill-touraine Almost 7 years ago

I created an 8th grade orientation with QR codes.

I created an 8th grade orientation with QR codes.
studentivey About 7 years ago

We used QR codes to make an easy access to a YouTube video.

We used QR codes to make an easy access to a YouTube video.  We also have a game created for review.  They have to match up the 4 quadrants (which have different information in them) to make a whole QR code and it gives them 4 things about the concept.
kstewart798 About 7 years ago


I used a QR code to get students directly to a video instead of having to type in a long address.

I used https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com/ to generate the QR code.
alivingston About 7 years ago