Erin Smith

Engage actively in activities in all sessions.

Self-Test Questions

  • June 28, 2017 at 11:30 AM
  • Last updated almost 7 years ago
  • Visible to public
How do we sustain the focus of professional learning on teaching practices and student learning to increase literacy?                  
It is critical to keep our teaching student-centered, because if our students are not improving, then our practices are not effective.  In order to sustain the focus of professional learning on any effective evidence-based practice, it is essential to have the whole staff buy into the process.  Therefore, it is 100% necessary to show teachers the genuine, practical effects of their professional learning.  Much like our students, if there is not an internally motivated investment, there is unlikely to be success.

How do we transform data to inform instruction to increase student progress?                

When we collect data (e.g. in Hoxie self-reports or via formative assessments), we can triage to determine particular areas of student weakness.  This happens in the “Analyze for Learning Difficulties” section of SMARTER planning.  From there, we can Reach Enhancement Decisions that involve which Content Enhancement Routines or Learning Strategies, as well as what Co-teaching approaches, might be useful for improving the learning of ALL students in our classrooms.

How do we describe responsive instruction and intervention in our educational settings?                

Responsive instruction and intervention is, in many ways, exactly as it is written.  As we analyze the learning difficulties of our students and collect data on their progress with various concepts and critical content, we must respond accordingly by selecting learning strategies or content enhancement routines that will support the learning of our students.  In essence, we “respond” to the needs of our students as we go through the process of SMARTER planning (and cycle through it over and over again).

New Self-Test Question:  How can we best present the positive influence of SIM CER's and LS to our fellow faculty members to ensure complete buy in?