Chrome Basics

Why Chrome

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  • Last updated June 10, 2020 at 1:54 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Explain at least three reasons you use Chrome.

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Why choose Google Chrome

1. Easily accessible
2. Great for using multiple devices
3. So many neat tools
marilyn Almost 4 years ago

User friendly, accessible on any device, updates on its own!!

vanessa-luna Almost 4 years ago

Why Chrome?

1. Very user friendly
2. It is very reliable
3. It can be accessed on any device
marisa5 Almost 4 years ago

Why Chrome?

Chrome provides quick accessibility to our Google Drive and GAFE, it provides a safe and secure connection, and it is user friendly (even for communication with my family)
audreyalaine83 Almost 4 years ago


I use Chrome everyday.  It is user friendly, fast, and it updates on its own.
vmata Almost 4 years ago

Why Chrome

  1. It’s one of the fastest web browsers
  2. User friendly 
  3. It communicates well with google suite
leslie-moreno Almost 4 years ago

I use Chrome because I can use it anywhere, can use it with any device, and it's easy to use.

jaclyn-himes Almost 4 years ago

why Chrome

I like chrome because it is user friendly, it is accessible on all devices, and the google drive is a  great tool to house documents that you have created and you don't have to use a storage device like a USB or space on your computer.  
tamra-wash Almost 4 years ago

why chrome

Chrome is user friendly & accessible from any devise. 
tamra-wash Almost 4 years ago

1.speed 2.privacy and security 3. Unique customizations available

m1995 Almost 4 years ago

1. Security/privacy 2. Simplicity 3. Speed

1. Security/privacy 
2. Simplicity 
3. Speed 
leslie-munoz Almost 4 years ago

Why use Chrome:

1. Accessible
2. Faster and safe
3. User friendly extensions
martha-nevarez Almost 4 years ago