Earn the Team Sport BadgeSubmit a screenshot of a website, photograph of an official letter, or photo of an official program listing you as a member of a team sport. More Info |
Students earn a Team Sport Badge by providing evidence that they played on a sports team.
Evidence Required:
Submit a screenshot of a website, photograph of an official letter, or photo of an official program listing you as a member of a team sport.
Part of theTeam Building competency.
Ghali Ouajahat FilaliGhali |
Guinevere Salassalasgr |
Hannah SiglerSiglerHL |
Hilario DeLaPaz IIIhilariodelapaz |
Hunter HartHunter0220 |
Isaac Wertisaacwert |
Jaden Gibsonjadenjng |
Jaden Wimbushjstar123345 |
Joel Valdés AstorgaJoelValdAst |
Kate Lewkowskikatelewkowski |
Katelyn BieberichBieberichK |
Kaylee Freundkayleefreund |
Yaw Turksonyawturks |
Yeimi Baezyeimibaez |
bahala mugishoMugishoB |
charlote Manenocharlotemaneno |
davontez lewislewisdavj |
haley zambranazambranahj |
jayland desuejayland4 |
justin wimpyejwimp123 |
mahya lindesmithmahyalindesmith |
octavious joeOctaviousjoe |