Earn the Athletic Supporter BadgeUpload a picture or other proof that you attended a TU Sporting event More Info |
Students earn the Athletic Supporter Badge by attending a TU sports event.
Evidence Required:
Upload a picture or other proof that you attended a TU Sporting event
Part of theNon Competency competency.
Shawn WymerSwymer3503 |
Stacey Pgoudastaceypgouda |
Tatia BattisteTatia |
Theron MarshTheronmarsh2 |
Vickie WilkinsVickieWilk |
William DiGiovanniDiGiovanniWS |
Xavier VennieVennie11 |
Xiomara ColemanColemanx |
Zach McMinnmcminnz |
Zaina SanfordSanfordZ |
Zoe WileyZoe-Wiley |
jessica fuzinskifuzinskiJM |
Ethan Danhaferethandanhafer |
Faisal alhazzaaFalhazzaa |
Fiorella Verafiorellavera13 |
Francisco Alexander CastroFrancisco2 |
Gabriella HedgeGabiedge |
Garrison MarkinsMarkinsGJ |
Gentaya RossGentaya-Ross |
Grant CraigGrantc |
Grant PryorGrant-Pryor |
Grayson Charles Stanfordgraysonstanford |
Greta MacadamGreta02 |
Gunnar Szynalgunnarszynal |