Earn the Athletic Supporter BadgeUpload a picture or other proof that you attended a TU Sporting event More Info |
Students earn the Athletic Supporter Badge by attending a TU sports event.
Evidence Required:
Upload a picture or other proof that you attended a TU Sporting event
Part of theNon Competency competency.
Joseph Mlinkomlinkoj |
Juan Rosique AlvarezJuanRosique |
Katrina Wellswellskm |
Kayla Carter23cartk |
Kayla Owenskaylaowens1 |
Kenedi Goonkenedi13 |
Khia McmillenKhiaJewell |
Kooper JohnsstonKooper |
Landyn ReyesLandyn02 |
Lee MorganLee85 |
Leonel Cuellar PuertoLeoCuellar17 |
Liberty Weisenbergerlibbylou05 |
Nicole NemethNemeth27 |
Noah Daniel BormuthNoah123__ |
Noah Williamswilliamsnoa |
Noah Wingartwingartna |
Nolan GrayNolanGray14 |
Othman Almannaaalmannaaom |
Owen Martinowenmart |
Quincy MacDonaldMacdonaldqa |
Raven Rayrayraa |
Re'Nia Rossrossr1 |
Rebekah CombsBekahc01 |
Riane Toddrianetodd |