Earn the Athletic Supporter BadgeUpload a picture or other proof that you attended a TU Sporting event More Info |
Students earn the Athletic Supporter Badge by attending a TU sports event.
Evidence Required:
Upload a picture or other proof that you attended a TU Sporting event
Part of theNon Competency competency.
Griff Cadygriffcady7 |
Haley McClainHaley-McClain |
Hannah SheidlerHannahsheidler |
Harley Haffaharleyhaffa |
Hilario DeLaPaz IIIhilariodelapaz |
Hunter HartHunter0220 |
Isaac SkinnerIsaacJSkinner |
Isabel Hammondhammondis |
Jaasiel TejadaJaasiel16 |
James BoreneJames021 |
Jermaine Anthony Tagayuna BaguyoJBag21 |
Jerome GoochJerome20 |
JasonJnorris23 |
Jax HudsonJaxHudson |
Jaylen HillJaylen132 |
Jaylin DorseyJAYD |
Jeff Alfordjalford76 |
Jeffrey Hurdjeff3505 |
Jemimah ChoiJemimah123 |
Jesse GardunoCortezJJ |
Joel OpokuOpokuj |
Joey Kenchkenchj |
Johan de Jesus Galeano SJohan1234 |
John Eplereplerjd |