Earn the Athletic Supporter BadgeUpload a picture or other proof that you attended a TU Sporting event More Info |
Students earn the Athletic Supporter Badge by attending a TU sports event.
Evidence Required:
Upload a picture or other proof that you attended a TU Sporting event
Part of theNon Competency competency.
Benjamin Oforibenjamino4e |
Benjamin Plainplainb |
Brock Carlsonbrockcarlson1 |
Brookelynne Brewerbrookelynne-625 |
Bryan CervantesBryan268 |
Cal BrazierCalB08 |
Candace MillisorCandacemillisor |
Carley GrohCarleygroh |
Chase Sudzinacsudzina |
Chris Oleksiakoleksiakcd |
Cole GrabColegrab17 |
Corbin TriplettCorbo8 |
Titus Hackworth Jr.TJ_Hackworth |
Tomi Hinkle517270 |
Tori StrayerToriStrayer |
Tre'Von Davis-HardwickTre122212 |
Trent GeimerTrent |
Trenton HedgesTrentHedges18 |
Tressel GibsonGibsonTP |
Trevor Clutch PolingTrevorPoling |
Troy Singleton-BurnettTsing |
Tsun Yeung LeungOcean |
Twain Huynhhuynht |
Ty HatfieldTy-Hatfield |