Web Challenge


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  • Last updated October 26, 2015 at 11:13 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Write a summary of your experience with the unit of Welcome to Web. In the summary include information like what you liked about the unit of study, what you learned, and what else you would like to learn. Write at least 5 sentences.

All posted evidence

It was really hard to do especially the taking notes but i seemed to be fine with it.

Doing this badge in fact I did not even know that you sent back a message about the badge and when I did the very The Challenge it was very challenging for me to find the house that the guy with the virus. (Doing this all from Memory.)
200900433 Almost 9 years ago

I learned how to improve my accuracy with my typing as well as my mouse movement.

200810663 Almost 9 years ago

I thought it was fun! I would like to do something like this again!

I thought that it was completely safe when you are using the web, but now I now better. I learned how to get more accurate search results and how to stay safe online. Although you can get hurt online, you can also stay safe. One way is by blocking anonymous users. I will start to apply all the skills I learned to stay more safe online!
20108400 About 9 years ago

I really liked welcome to the web it was really fun learning about how to use tricks.

Using welcome to the web showed me how to use top tricks to get started online it showed me how to use the back  button and how use hidden links to go to the websites or going to the next page we learned how to mae a table and learned about internet saftey.
200807724 Over 9 years ago

After doing welcome to the web I learned many things.

I learned how to use the book mark. I also learned about how to stay safe online. I like how at the end they made a villain. How to keep my password safe.
200812816 Over 9 years ago


i learned a lot if stuff so much i cant say. this web site is WELCOME TO THE WEB. I mean it teaches you about everything. like internet safty it can teach a lot i mean alot. heres what i learned INTERNET SAFETY, how to copy and past thank you to the internet.
200810156 Over 9 years ago

I liked all the web challenges,I mostly liked calling Zac Efron.....; )

I liked trying to catch the criminal. By calling people that live in webberfield ave. I learned how to be safe on the internet..... I learned not to give out my personal information. I would like to learn more about the internet. Also I learned how use the browsers.
200810952 Over 9 years ago

I liked The Web Challenge it taught me a lot of new things on the computer.If I could i

It taught me many new things such as not giving other people your password.They also taught me not to meet up with the people online.They taught me so many things I can't even write all the things down.If i could i wish I could  do The challenge over again because it was so fun!
james07 Over 9 years ago

I enjoyed this time in my class doing welcome to the web. I am defenitly gonna use this in the future.

It was a challenging task to find the bugler but it was fun throught the way . I liked how you had to keep the secert code on a paper so that at the end you use it to find the bugler. I hope that everyone else found the bugler it was challenging though . Through out these lessons I have learned that I can search what I'm looking for a lot easier by putting quotes around the words.
200811517 Over 9 years ago

I like welcome to the web because it teach me things about the web and its purpose. It exercises my brain so I can be smarter.

It told me about viruses and what they can do to your computer. I now know how to use short cuts. It taught me that
hyperlinks make your mouse different, it was fun to use it to learn about the web.
200811360dc Over 9 years ago

i learned a lot of stuff so much i cant even say!! i like this web site and that web site is WELCOME TO THE WEB this has helped me a lot.

200810156 Over 9 years ago

The best thing I learned in welcome to the web is short cuts.

Shortcuts and everything else I learned was very fun and it made many things  easier to do. Welcome to the web was a very fun experience for me and I learned alot. It also taught me how to find things, and make easy ways to search the web for specific things. Welcome to the web keeps you safe and interested.
200900870 Over 9 years ago