Socrative Cub

What do you think?

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  • Last updated March 1, 2017 at 8:01 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
What feature do you like most about Socrative?

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I really like the "real-time" data option. Being able to immediately grasp if the students understand a concept is very helpful! It is also student friendly. It is clear and easy for students to understand. It also helps save time by not having to upload class rosters or individual names.
brownk Over 6 years ago

Quick feedback I can use!

My favorite thing is I can get results quickly and easily that I can use to plan instruction the next day or even use to provide reteaching intervention later in the day. Can't be beat! I also really like the variety of ways for kids to 'play'.
ruffteacher About 7 years ago

Easy exit slips

Socrative seems like a great way for students to quickly respond to prompts or comprehension questions and that data will be stored and organized for easy analysis. This looks like a great tool for upper grades or 1:1 classrooms. I know I would utilize the exit slip at the end of my math lessons if my classroom had the resources.
diedrichk About 7 years ago

Socrative uses

I love the fast and easy grading features and the feedback you gain from it!
ncoyan About 7 years ago

I like that you can immediately see student answers.

I think that this would be a great way to get quick feedback from your students.  I think that this would be great for an easy pre-assessment to help guide your lesson planning or as an exit ticket.
waterkotteh Over 7 years ago

Exit Tickets

I love how easy the exit tickets are to use on Socrative. I have to click one button for my class (and the code stays the same!) to get my students going, and then I can just write a reflection question or quick assignment on the board. I have loved using it for quick feedback or a short quiz to see where my students are in the learning process. I also really like that it saves all of my data from each use and is easily downloadable to Excel so that I can sort and save it how I want. 
kathrynsmith Over 7 years ago

Easy to Use!

My favorite feature is that I am able to quickly do an exit ticket without having to write the questions. I am able to customize the last question, but since it instructs students to answer the teacher question I can write that question based on that specific class's performance during the class period. It's easy, instant, customizable feedback!
mrst_bears Over 7 years ago

Immediate feedback!

I love that I do not have to my time to grade! I get real-time results that can help me switch up my instruction! :) 
dunlapa Over 7 years ago

Love it!

I really liked using Socrative for vocab quizzes for my ESL students. It gave me real time feedback and I could review after they answered if they needed additional support or review.
melbsmith Over 7 years ago

Socrative 💭

I like the teacher paced feature the most. It's great for test reviews. 

I would like like to try the space race feature...again. I also need to try out the quick question feature. 

rolandteach Over 7 years ago

Socrative ideas

My favorite feature is that kids don't have to log in!!! My room name is only 5 letters, so the kids can just open the Socrative app and type that in. Super simple! Saves so much time for a quick and fast assessment. Also, I think space race is really fun for a review. I like that the kids don't have to know who is on their team and it's totally random. It's also super user-friendly.
mrsnix Almost 8 years ago


I really like how there are tons of different ways to view reports of how kids did on the quiz. You can view a whole class excel sheet, individual student report, and my favorite the individual question. You can see which question students struggled with the most. Perfect for easily going back to reteach a topic!!
paigefickbohm Almost 8 years ago