EDPuzzle Golden Bear

EDpuzzle Reflection

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  • Last updated March 30, 2017 at 8:13 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Rate EDpuzzle. Would you use it again? Why or why not?

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I enjoy using EDpuzzle.  I like that students are able to work at their own pace. I also like that I can monitor their progress as they are working. I really wish the YouTube filter in district could somehow allow us  to use youtube within EDpuzzle. There are so many already created ones that I could and would use, but cant because of the filter. It is a bit time consuming to make them. However, I will continue to use it in the future. 
rolandteach Almost 8 years ago


I rate EDpuzzle 4/5 stars :). I took off a star because it is frustrating that we can't use youtube videos, having to download the video first definitely adds time to the process, it'd be much easier to be able to use the youtube link. But other than that, I really enjoy creating and using EDpuzzles! Such a great way to show a video and ensure students are paying attention and learning!! I will definitely be using it again. Downloading the videos first is inconvenient but definitely not a deterrent. 
paigefickbohm Almost 8 years ago

EdPuzzle reflection

I really liked it! The kids found it super easy to use. The video was waiting from them once they joined my class. I didn't use their answers for grades, since I just wanted them to have focus checks so that they didn't "zone out" during the video. But you can have it autograde the multiple choice questions if you wanted to use it for a grade. I also liked the "rewatch" button. If kids got to the question and didn't get it, they could click rewatch and listen for the answer again. I think the kids got WAY more out of the video than a) just watching it as a class or b) me stopping to ask questions. This meant that every kid was watching it at their own pace and answering the questions, instead of just 1 or 2 answering questions.

My complaint is that several kids had already used their long number for accounts in elementary school. We tried TUSD+lunch pin or just lunch pin. I had several kids that couldn't get anything to work, so I had to create a generic account for kids to share. I think as a district we need to have a consistent account creating username/password convention for things that don't use SSO. Kids don't remember their usernames/passwords from year to year, so teachers need to be able to know what the convention is.  
mrsnix Almost 8 years ago