#BookSnaps Cub

#BookSnaps with Students?

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  • Last updated March 23, 2017 at 5:09 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Give a couple of examples of how you could use booksnaps with your students. What would you have them focus their booksnaps on?

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So many ELA possibilities!

I would love for students to use this during ELA to deepen their knowledge by connecting it to a skill we are working on. It is also great for connecting to the text itself, and is a great way for students to express themselves while they read, I know if I had this in high school, I would have annotated so much more and so much better than I did!
ncoyan About 7 years ago

I will use #BookSnaps with my students in two ways: In Science, they will label the water cycle. IN ELA, they will label text clues.

In Science, students will screen shot a diagram of the water cycle and add their own labels and voices to describe how water moves through the cycle.

In ELA, students will use photos and labeling to identify: characters, setting, conflict, plot and theme in a short text.
walkera Over 7 years ago

This was tricky for me.

I don't normally have students do a lot of reading in my class so this was tricky to come up with.  I think one way I could use it would be next year in my health classes.  I believe we have a textbook so if there is an important text that they should read I could ask for a certain number of booksnaps about important info in the text.
waterkotteh Almost 8 years ago

Reading Novels and Showing Evidence

One of the standards that 11th graders need to reach is finding textual evidence in their reading. This is a great way for them to show specific textual evidence while reading novels or short stories. I could use it as an exit ticket to assess if they understood the reading or if they are able to find textual evidence in their reading.
Authors Purpose
Text Structure
Making Connections
and reading/writing skills will all be addressed.
mds3567 Almost 8 years ago

Using BookSnaps with Students

My students are already using Seesaw, so having them start doing a few BookSnaps would be relatively easy. Sometimes when we're researching a topic, I know my students can get a little bored with usual note taking. Students could highlight and mark up what they were reading for research purposes. They love adding emojis to everything, and might be more likely to think about how what they're reading makes them feel. I also like that they would be able to record themselves. My students do need to practice writing, but sometimes they just need to be able to get their ideas out as fast as they have them.
I also thought it might be nice to do some kind of William Allen White book club next year. I could have students post BookSnaps as they read. It would give us a starting place for discussion, and maybe even make it so we could have discussions among students who aren't in the same TAG groups.
popep Almost 8 years ago

Use during novel study

I will be using BookSnaps during our novel study. I will have students use it to summarize chapters, point out key vocabulary, focus on main ideas in the novel.
melbsmith Almost 8 years ago


Each week in Reading I can have the students do a quick book snap answering a question that focuses on the skill of the week. Students can book snap about cause and effect relationships they find in text. Compare/contrast, character traits, setting, problem/ solution, main ideas and details that support it, etc.
stewarta Almost 8 years ago

I'm thinking they can use it to take notes to get the content. Then, it is great for a quick review before a test since it's their notes!

mccoyk Almost 8 years ago

1st Grade Booksnaps

I would like to try using booksnaps to replace reading packets/worksheets for my high 1st grade readers. Right now we are reading a Junie B. Jones book and discussing/writing about new vocabulary words in the chapters and sharing our favorite parts. I would love to see my kids go on a hunt for these vocabulary words on their own and use booksnaps to take a picture of where they found the word. Then they can type what they think that word means and choose an emoji that they think represents that word.

They could also take a picture of their favorite part in the story and explain what happened and why it's their favorite.

Another way my students can use booksnaps is by taking a picture of a piece of text and recording themselves reading it aloud for fluency practice.
diedrichk Almost 8 years ago

Real World Problems

Booksnaps could be a way to enliven word problems.Students could highlight the important words, write a way to solve it, and react to the problem. These could be more involved where they have to find the math within the story like a mystery to crack.
cartym Almost 8 years ago

❤❤❤ Booksnaps

I will use Booksnaps to have students find evidence during reading using Wonders or their silent reading books. Also, this will be a great tool to have students use while reading books on EPIC. 
dunlapa Almost 8 years ago

Think they will ❤️ booksnaps!

i really want to have my reading intervention group do some book snaps. I've noticed that they are getting a bit lazy with annotating. I thneed no this will ramp them up again. I saw on twitter that a teacher had students post booksnaps to a Padlet. I really want to try that so everyone can see each other's snaps. That's kind of the point I think.
ruffteacher Almost 8 years ago