#BookSnaps Cub

#BookSnaps with Audio

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated March 23, 2017 at 5:09 PM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Create another booksnap. (Hone in on specific text from the passage, add an emoji, add text just like your first booksnap.) Now add audio summarizing your key take aways.

All posted evidence

Hattie Article with Audio


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cartym Over 4 years ago

From “Disrupt Thinking: Why How We Read Matters.”

Another great point from The Growth Mindset Playbook!

Year in Sports 2015



Uploaded by Heidi Kotte on 2017-05-04.
waterkotteh Over 7 years ago

The Great Gatsby

Reviewing annotation instructions to prep for student activity next week.

Kids can practice reading a passage or part of their book aloud and record themselves with a picture of the text they are reading!

I created on Seesaw!

This is a Booksnap with audio I made and posted in Seesaw

I made mine in Snapchat. There is no link. I saved it to my camera roll. Emailed OneNote link to Leasha.


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It looks like you're on a slow connection. We've disabled some images to speed things up.
ruffteacher Over 7 years ago

The Tale of Despereaux

The author addresses the reader.