Badge Idea Maker

#1 Badge Idea

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated March 1, 2017 at 10:45 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
What topic should be covered? How should teachers share evidence?

All posted evidence


Have teachers complete the training for Pages and earn the badge on the Apple website for Pages. Upload the certificate of completion to earn the badge on here.
trishelle Over 6 years ago

Spreadsheet Wizard - Excel

Submit evidence on how you can use Excel to collect and compare student data.  What makes Excel a useful tool for this?
schlessmanj About 7 years ago


what about a badge that focuses on the mental health of a teacher? You could get points for excersicing and taking care of your body. One way to track it could be gettting a certain amount of steps within a time limit. 
coppleb About 7 years ago

Caught A Bear Badge

The person should snap a picture of themselves wearing a Turner shirt. For evidence they should tweet it out with the hashtag #CaughtaBear .
brownk Over 7 years ago

Global Classroom: Connecting to the World

Connecting to the World is more than searching the Web. It is finding people around the world for our students to connect with.

Teachers could connect with a classroom in another country through:

Pen pal and e-mail project
Video conferencing
Video exchanges
Co-teaching through video conferencing 

Evidence:  Photos of letters/emails, sharing of videos, lesson plans
walkera Over 7 years ago

Class Dojo

Teachers could say how they use it in their classrooms, and what they like about it!
ncoyan Over 7 years ago

Movin' in Edu

Add some kind of movement to your lesson! Add a gif/video to show evidence. 
alic Over 7 years ago

FUTP60 Cub

Teachers must explore Fuel Up to Play 60 website and create an account.
waterkotteh Almost 8 years ago

Office Knowledge/Expertise

Allow users to show the things they are skilled at within Office 365. An example, do you need a survey for students, have you used Microsoft Forms from 365? This would allow the individual to find a local expert on the product.
biasellak Almost 8 years ago

Mystery Skype

Engage in a Mystery Skype with another classroom somewhere in the world, district, or even your own building! Teachers coordinate a video chat with another classroom and students take turns asking and answering yes or no questions as they race to discover the other class's mystery number/shape/location.Teachers can share evidence by including a transcript of some student questions, a screenshot of the video chat, or a photograph of the class participating.
diedrichk Almost 8 years ago

Idea #1

tbear Almost 8 years ago

Positive Culture Badge

Evidence of a teacher doing something to build relationships with students. (Notes of encouragement, positive office referrals??)
sparelarissa Almost 8 years ago