Alisha Walker

Team builders

These are some team builders I use: Categories Snakes Lava Flow

  • November 25, 2017 at 8:23 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
Categories:  The facilitator calls out categories and participants have to arrange themselves according to that category.  I give students cards that follow the standards we are learning.  They may need to sequence themselves, solve math problems, etc.  This helps students team build as well as learn curriculum.

Snakes:  Begin the activity in pairs. Get participants to lie on the floor on their stomach, with one of them holding onto the ankles of their partner. The aim is to move like a snake without letting go of their partner’s ankles. The difficulty of the activity can be increased by adding more people to each "snake."

Lava Flow:  The team has to cross a "lava flow" using only the "platforms" provided. Each team member is given one platform to use in the crossing and participants must stay in contact with each platform or else they will be "swept away" by the "lava flow."