Kathleen Diedrich

Ice Breakers

Find Someone Who..., Name Games, Bio Author's Chair

  • November 30, 2017 at 3:12 PM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
Find Someone Who...
I try to find as many variations of this activity as possible! The kids like finding friends who have done different things over the summer, like different things, or even "make a 10" with them in math! They usually have to autograph each other's papers because we can't write each other's names just yet.

Name Games
The camp counselor in me comes out and we do all sorts of name games. Introduce yourself with your name and an animal that starts with the same letter, adapt Brown Bear Brown Bear to include students' names, etc. 

Bio Author's Chair
At the beginning of the year we write lots of sentences like "I can ____", "I have ____", and "I like ___." Then students get to share these writing pieces with the class and learn who they have things in common with.