#2 Badgelist 101

Join badges

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated November 2, 2017 at 9:40 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Browse through the badges and choose four badges you are interested in pursuing. Join each of the badges. Click the orange Badgelist shield in the top left corner of the screen. Take the screenshot of your badges in progress.

All posted evidence

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joet Over 5 years ago

I watched the video Travis provided on PD day.

atkinsona Over 5 years ago

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gracek Over 5 years ago

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pcedergreen Over 5 years ago

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trishelle About 6 years ago

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cartym About 6 years ago

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echapman Over 6 years ago

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melbsmith Over 6 years ago

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brownk Over 6 years ago

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hansenc Over 6 years ago

Badges in progress

rolandteach Over 6 years ago

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schlessmanj Over 6 years ago