Strategies for Language Proficiency Level 1

Language Strategies

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  • Last updated September 9, 2016 at 9:46 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
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estrategias para el aprendizaje del lenguaje

en la primera conferencia nos comentaron sobre 10 estrategias de lenguaje entre las cuales se destacan tener el cuenta el nivel de proceso de pensamiento, metas claras para los niños y que ellos las conozcan, facilitar diversos tipos de texto, escribir con varias opciones, uso de tecnologia y videos, presentar palabras con multiples significados y modelar todo lo enseñado, estrategias que actualemnte se usan dentro de los salones de clase
michelle-calle Over 8 years ago


It's so powerful to enhance students with diverse opportunities to learn a new language. Also differentiating may help them feel more confident. 
verogutierrez Over 8 years ago

Using visuals in the classroom is very important.

Visuals are important.
We have to keep in mind that every subject has a specific vocabulary. 
These are some strategies we can apply in our classrooms:
- Use student´s pictures in the schedule to show the different parts of the day
- Words words with visuals
- Label the classroom
- Organize different types of reading materials by topic, genre, unit, etc.

piciom Over 8 years ago

Technique #8: Scaffold Writing seems like it could be useful to my current students who struggle with verbalizing answers.

I found the scaffold writing on chart paper  technique can be useful. Having these to display in the classroom (changed when appropriate as the year goes on) can be helpful to students so that they can practice certain phrases that will help them with their comprehension and simulatenously with their language acquisition. For Math, being able to answer a question verbally is something that students struggle with often and if these are available for them to refer to on their own then hopefully they will use them. I am definitely going to start creating the charts with my class for each subject and I am looking forward to seeing the results. 
melissa-duque Over 8 years ago