Kasandra ODonaghy

Reflect and Act

Option 2: Research

  • March 20, 2022 at 5:18 PM
  • Visible to public
I found an amazing article from the University of Illinois “Women in Engineering”. It is titled “A Guide to Responding to Microaggressions”. I notice that many of my students make comments regularly about their peers that are Microaggressions, and there is a worksheet that you can download (https://wie.engineering.illinois.edu/files/2018/10/responding-to-microaggressions-and-bias.pdf) that actually gives prompts to have discussions with others regarding Microaggressions. It carries a lot of the same themes as the youtube video “responding to microaggressions”, and I think this worksheet can help foster a conversation with my students about how their statements and conversations can be considered offensive and rude.