Kasandra ODonaghy

Reflect and Act

4 Steps

  • March 17, 2022 at 2:11 PM
  • Visible to public
 1.)    Educate my parents. My parents are racist and believe that being gay is wrong. I think that educating them with information about being open, and how the rights are still taken away from people with concrete data might help them to just open their mind a bit. Talking to them about how in certain states you can be fired for being gay or trans. Talking with them about how minorities are still continuing to struggle. 2.)    Support my students and their beliefs. I think by showing up in their community and showing them that I am their ally. I can work with them in their communities, show up to their plays and practices and more importantly just listen to them. 3.)     Share information with my peers. Social media is a powerful thing, and I think I can use it as a outlet to get people thinking about how minorities continue to struggle, and what it means to be an ally. I first shared the video I watched for the stretch your thinking, and I’m curious the conversations it is going to spark. 4.)    Apologize when I make mistakes. I’m going to make mistakes as I become an ally to all injustices, and I will apologize. My motto from now on will be “it is not about the intent but the impact”. No longer is it “the thought that counts”. Now it will be the impact that counts.