Ann Marie Furcinito

Reflect and Act

Being an Ally

  • March 12, 2022 at 12:19 PM
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I need to speak up in my own social circles. As a person of privilege, I have access to social circles that others do not. If I  hear racist or derogatory language used by family members or friends… I’ll take some time at the next family reunion to challenge peoples’ beliefs and speak up for those who are not there.  

Since it requires deep education about the communities that you’re interested in demonstrating allyship towards…I will continue to educate myself. I’m in the middle of a book study on White Fragility. This book analyzes why white people are sensationally, histrionically bad at discussing racism.    

Get comfortable being uncomfortable. If your life has been one of comfort, it is difficult to voluntarily give up that comfort. However, to work towards being a good ally, you need to forfeit it, as your comfort comes at the expense of others. By remaining in the status quo, you are directly benefitting from social structures that harm marginalized communities. Now is the time to own up to my own complicities in discriminatory systems. So yeah, I need to get comfortable being uncomfortable.   For example, The United Way of Central New York in partnership with multiple Syracuse organizations ran a Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge that pushes you to get outside your comfort zone with daily challenges. This is an accessible, convenient way to get used to the level of personal discomfort needed to grow as a person and become a better ally. The challenge is based on the work of  Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, historian and author of #1 New York Times bestseller, “HOW TO BE AN ANTIRACIST.”  

 Learn from my mistakes.
Being an ally is an ongoing process, and I am bound to say or do the wrong thing at certain points. Sometimes, the best way to learn is through trial and error. The important thing is to acknowledge when you’re wrong, and to not make those same mistakes again. Essentially: welcome failure but learn from it.  

Amplify the voices and messages of the marginalized There are so many amazing speakers and writers from marginalized communities with important stories and messages that need to be shared. I need to promote others’ voices and not center myself in the conversation. It’s okay to feel bad about your role in an unjust and racist society, but as an ally it is necessary to realize that my role is one of support.