Kasandra ODonaghy


Racial Equity Tools

  • March 17, 2022 at 12:58 PM
  • Visible to public
It was difficult to explore the Racial Equity Tools website from a computer, but it was incredibly user friendly on my phone. I enjoyed listening to various podcasts, and plan to make this part of my drives during the week. I typically will listen to podcasts talking about murder mysteries or my favorite TV shows, but I really enjoyed listening to podcasts about social justice issues. The one I listened to first was actually listed on racial equity tools, but it took me to irresistible.org and it was about “Adapting Strategy & Building Power in Crisis”. It begins by talking about how COVID is affecting the shift in politics and how it is affecting political views, but then begins to discuss how it SHOULD be used to discuss how we are dealing with the crisis our young people face. Racial Equity Tools has many tools available, not just podcasts.