Kasandra ODonaghy



  • March 17, 2022 at 12:57 PM
  • Visible to public
The definitions in this section were consistent with my understanding of the types of racism. The four levels of racism though was different for me. I have heard of individual racism, structural racism and institutional racism, but I have never heard of interpersonal racism. At least the term anyways. I do understand that racism occurs between individuals, but I have never heard the term before of interpersonal racism. I really enjoyed the systemic racism video because I do think it further cemented what systemic racism means and what can be done about it. I also like that it connected back the idea of implicit bias. I enjoy that the resources continue to connect back to each other and connect each week building upon each other. My growth as an educator in the Syracuse city school district stems from a deep feeling of remorse for how I was raised as a young white woman. Both of my parents are incredibly racist individuals, and as I grew up I knew it was wrong but I never knew how to exactly cope with those feelings. Now as an adult, I am more aware of my own implicit bias, and how they affect my interactions with the students that I teach and I work everyday on building deep connections with my students and showing them that I value them as individuals and the unique personalities they bring to the classroom. I think that many of our students struggle with racism when they go to the mall, or even as they walk down the hallways. I think that many do have resentment towards their white teachers because they feel as though their teachers “are out to get them” or are “racist”, but it is our job as educators to show that is not true.