Megan Healy

Reflect and Act

Option 2: Trusted 10 Activity

  • February 15, 2022 at 12:23 PM
  • Visible to public
My 10 people were split between male and female, but they were all white, and all about my age. I thought the age thing was interesting, in that I feel like the country's education system teaches us as a population to only interact with and befriend those born within a year from us. (Unlike the one-room school house sort of model where you would interact with all ages). Also, 9 of my 10 are practicing Christians, and their life-long commitment to living a just and good lifestyle is probably a large part about what makes them trustworthy in my mind. I do think that religion seems very segregated in Syracuse… you either go to a white church or a black church and I haven’t seen many places with much overlap. At my church, the only black people are ones that have been raised/adopted by whites. I just feel that in my life, I haven’t been exposed to enough African Americans to develop those relationships of trust, and I’m not sure where to start.