Rebecca Wilk

Stretching Our Thinking

Data Equity

  • February 8, 2022 at 4:36 PM
  • Visible to public
As a science teacher, I work a lot of with data. I have frequently witnessed data manipulation, whether intentional or not. Unfortunately, I suspect the majority of the time this manipulation is accomplished to attain an agenda, be it financial, political, or personal. I teach my students the critical importance of examining sources and potential bias in order to become functional and educated citizens. So although I have been aware of the need for data equity for a long time, I had never heard this formal term. I think it could be easy for someone to SAY they are engaging in equity by acting in a conscientious manner. However, I think specific measures and parameters should be set in place so the data users are able to actually recognize data misconstrual or misuse. Some elements may be so embedded or customary they are difficult to spot. I appreciate the need for supplementing with qualitative data to inform users of context.