Megan Healy

Reflect and Act

I took the quiz, and I'm not clearly in any group.

  • February 11, 2022 at 12:28 PM
  • Visible to public
I took the quiz to determine what I need to table about overcoming structural racism. It was a bit difficult for me, because of the way my life is structured. I would consider myself very well-informed and comfortable talking about racial equity, but my audience varies wildly. Since I work in a city school, my audience here is very urban, liberal, and familiar with the topic of racial equity. Conversely, my home and church are in a rural area, and are largely conservative, and my audience there is completely clueless when it comes to racial equity. I had to walk out of church once when they denounced Black Lives Matter from the pulpit. And my friends, by and large, live in suburbia and have a range of political views. Sometimes it is hard to transition from talking from group to group. I thought the advice they gave of “storytelling” to get your point across was very apt. My sometimes-close-minded father is a lot more willing to listen if I start a conversation with “One of my students…” then he would if I mention some data point.