Susan Carroll


Our students should be informed that we are all Homo sapiens, the only surviving human species. We have 99.9% of our DNA in common.

  • February 6, 2022 at 1:03 PM
  • Visible to public
The remaining .1% of our DNA account for superficial characteristics such as hair texture and melanin levels that protected our ancestors from the sun.  Homo sapiens originated in Africa and traveled from there. The lower sunlight levels in Europe favored lighter skin tones due to the need to absorb vitamin D. This geographical factor favored mutations that slowly lowered melanin levels over time.

Our students should know that we are not different races. The concept of race was used to target various groups of people and exploit them. Africans being considered a different race was used as an excuse to enslave them.  The Nazis targeted the Jewish people as a different race that needed to be "exterminated". 

Our students should see themselves as equal to all others, regardless of geographic, ethnic, gender or socioeconomic affiliation. We all have the same cognitive abilities that should be maximized. We are far more alike than different.

Our SCSD students should be taught how to advocate for themselves so that they may have access to classes/interventions that will best develop their skills in reading, writing and math. This also includes access to a safe learning environment and a better school transportation system, of which both will increase school attendance and participation. Education is a major gateway to opportunity and all of our students have the right to an equal education and equal opportunities. Knowledge IS power! We want them to know that!