Kasandra ODonaghy



  • February 8, 2022 at 4:01 PM
  • Visible to public
I think it is important to allow students to express their feelings and thoughts on how they are feeling based on their racial identity, and their struggles. I think that we are so quick to dismiss conversations that we are not comfortable having, when in reality we should be having these uncomfortable conversations. I think the more we talk with our students about how they are feeling regarding their racial identities, the more trust we are going to build. As well as incorporating these tough topics into our curriculums by having social justice discussions, or projects to allow the students to explore on their own and bring their own ideas into the classroom.

Role modeling, protocols, rubrics. I think that having students research their own topics on social justice topics and bringing those ideas into the classroom opens the door to a lot of risk. But as the teachers, if we design rubrics and protocols to deliver the information and to have the conversations, I think it would greatly benefit the conversation and prepare them to engage with these topics while still be sensitive to students and prevent further trauma.