Kasandra ODonaghy

Continuing the Learning and Taking Action

Learning for Justice

  • March 31, 2022 at 2:04 AM
  • Visible to public
I have subscribed to the "Learning for Justice" magazine. The Learning for Justice Website has a variety of different resources that can be used with students, including printable posters. I plan to send some of the posters to print shop, as they are positive and empowering images that the students would benefit from looking at. I also have been looking through some of the lessons that I can work with my students to complete to help empower them. I shared this resource with a colleague (english teacher) because I see a lot of different resources she can use in her current unit of "empowering speeches". I think these activities are a great idea to work with my students during SEL time (10:15-10:28). It is not a large chunk of time, but even if we are just have conversations about the resources I think it would be important for my students to engage in.