Kasandra ODonaghy

Questions for Self-Reflection


  • March 31, 2022 at 1:54 AM
  • Visible to public
What were some of my assumptions about equity before I started this Challenge?
Before completing this challenge, my assumptions about equity were what I consider "on the surface". I was aware about systemic racism, but until I began to dig into the ideas in this challenge, I was not aware of how systemic racism in the past (the redlining housing units) was still affecting minorities today. I also did not consider how your identity can cause you to experience systemic racism. I also enjoyed the different activities we were able to contribute, that forced me to look at my own school materials as well as curriculum to assess if I am allowing my students to see themselves in my materials. 

What are my identities and in what ways have my identities impacted my life? Have any of my identities provided me privilege or been a source of discrimination in certain environments?
My identities are I am a young, white, female. These have impacted my life in the way I am viewed by my family/peers are incompetent of making my own decisions, as well as not as experienced as others. It has taken 9 years in the district for me to be viewed as a valuable member of the team due to my age. Growing up, I did experience privilege being white. I grew up in a suburban school where the students of minorities were rare, and thinking back many were considered "cousins" and viewed as bad kids. Now as an adult, my family still views me as the youngest, and incapable of making on own decisions, even though I am the most educated individual in my family.