Brittany Button

Questions for Self-Reflection


  • March 29, 2022 at 5:33 AM
  • Visible to public
What are my identities and in what ways have my identities impacted my life? Have any of my identities provided me privilege or been a source of discrimination in certain environments?  Being a white woman, I definitely have privileges that have allowed me to get certain things more easily. However, being a woman, I have faced discriminations that all women face (gender wage gap, being offered lower positions and opportunities, etc.). Overall, this PD has offered me an opportunity to reflect on my own privileges and think about how that has impacted my life and how it may impact my students in my classroom. 
Where have I seen evidence of inequities and systemic and structural racism in my school or community? It is clear that our district & students are gifted much less opportunity for success than those suburban schools around us. At a very basic level, many of our students come to school lacking safety, shelter, and/or food which does not allow them to manage their own learning because they are constantly lacking the basics. This is something that all of my colleagues and I struggle to do we support these students? What can we offer them to help them gain the basics so that they can attend to their learning?