Hane Klausgraber

Option 3: A Reflection

A lot goes on in the backstage!

  • September 27, 2019 at 2:45 PM
  • Visible to public
Since I began this course the thing that I most do in the classroom is observe the students working and adapting the material or the support tools for them. It is simply amazing how much can be done in order to help a student. But as significant as adapting materials and support tools is discussing the situation you have with a partner, especially if this partner doesn't work in the same grade as you. I say that because if we discuss similar situations with people who have similar problems as ours, we will end up by not thinking out of the box to make a change. An outsider can give us insights and enrich our intervention significantly.
This course opened a window for possibilities. This is how I see it. The teacher who I work with has been tasking me lately "you're changing this as well, but why?" And the answer is "well, they all learn in a different way with their own particularities, is just right to adapt." 
This is what I have been doing in my class, adapting. And it is working! Some need 10 more minutes just for them, other shorter periods of work, others can learn more advanced content or work with more advanced materials. Is hard to have all students on the same loop because they are not!
I have a feeling we're getting to an end with this course, and I feel so appreciated because my goal was to refine my observation and have a more accurate intervention and this course just pleased me. 
Thank you!