
Option 3: A Reflection

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated April 13, 2017 at 7:48 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
Upload a link to publicly viewable Google file or a document that includes: - one of your sketches from days 13-18 - your response to the following prompt: "What makes this sketch powerful to me and my community?"

All posted evidence

Learning to listen is key to understanding and supporting one another.

Google Docs

Sketch 50 Reflection 13-18

Day 16 is most important for me. Mindfulness is becoming increasingly popular and part of pastoral programmes. Learning to listen is huge. I didn't realise until I took a mindfulness course and listened to them discussing how we focus and listen that we generally don't. We are processing the s...
ruthie_bee Over 7 years ago

Sharing ideas is a powerful tool in and out of the classroom.

bree Over 7 years ago

A blog post


#sketch50 evidence - collaboration badge

I started participating in #sketch50 a few weeks ago on a whim. I now find myself a bit addicted to the challenge of drawing a new sketch every day based on the word or theme presented. It has certainly been a challenge.
pmacoun Over 7 years ago