1. Technology Learning Pathfinder - Hatchling

Teacher Learner Organization

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated January 12, 2021 at 10:06 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
1. Identify at least three professional organizations for teachers in your content area that will be useful in your future classroom 2. Provide a list with the names of the organizations and a link to each organization's website or a picture of information found in a brochure or pamphlet
To earn this badge, earners will complete the following requirements:
  • Teacher Learner Organization
    1.  Identify at least three professional organizations for teachers in your content area that will be useful in your future classroom
    2. Provide a list with the names of the organizations and a link to each organization's website or a picture of information found in a brochure or pamphlet

All posted evidence

Badge One: Learning Pathfinder Hatchling

Liz Bell

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mollylindzy About 4 years ago


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kakrull About 4 years ago

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jettmcclaskey About 4 years ago