SIM Learning Strategy Preservice PDer

Implementation Plan

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  • Last updated January 25, 2018 at 10:57 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
Post an implementation plan for infusing SIM into preservice coursework over the course of two years.

All posted evidence

Pretest for Writing Paragraph Screener for incoming Postsecondary Students

Writing Screener Script 
Introduction   The purpose of this assessment is to gather information about how you write, the kinds of sentences, and your experience with writing.   On the top right hand corner of your sheet of paper, please write your name and the date. Write the topic on the top part of your sheet. The topic is “Why did you choose the University of Florida”?  

: so they may write the topic down.
  Please try to write at least six sentences, and make your sentences as different in structure from each other as possible. Try to include as many as possible of the following kinds of sentences in your paragraph: simple, compound, complex, compound-complex.   You will have one-minutes to think about the topic and six minutes to write. Please do not begin writing until we tell you to start. Begin thinking about the topic, you have two minutes.  

One Minutes Passes

You now may begin writing. Remember six minutes to write, with as many different types of sentences as possible. 

Six Minutes Pass                 
Put your pencil down and pass your sheets to the left.

lindsayr Almost 8 years ago

Possible Selves - Postsecondary Students in Freshman Transition Course

Lesson Plan (part 1 of Possible Selves)
1. Session starter
2. Review
3. Advanced Organizer
4. Possible Selves
    - Purpose of possible selves
    - Action plan, individual strengths, student strengths, and athlete strength worksheets
5. Review/Preview/Questions

Lesson Plan (part 2 of Possible Selves)
1. Session starter
2. Review
3. Advanced Organizer
4. Possible Selves
    - Tree sheets
    - Present out to small groups
5. Review/Preview/Questions
lindsayr Almost 8 years ago

Lesson Plans for SLANT for Postsecondary Freshman Students in a College Transition Course

SLANT Lesson Plan
1. Session Starter
2. Advanced Organizer
3. Expectation activity
    - Pretest of SLANT. Observe each students behavior in the class. Notes are taken by co-instructor in the classroom.
    - Main discussion is about differences in high school and college environments (classroom and outside of the classroom. Instructor will write on whiteboard student answers.
    - Using the behavior from the pretest, move into the SLANT stage 2 of describing SLANT to the class and how it is applicable to the college environment.
    - Stage 3, invite students who participated well in the pretest to model to the class each letter of SLANT (five students total to each model).
    - Stage 4, go around the room to ask student their understanding and different situations that they think they would use SLANT.
  5. Review/Preview/Questions

Stage 5, each lecture here after at the beginning of class, ask student to volunteer examples of SLANT
Stage 6, at the end of the course, observe class through last lecture to see behavior with SLANT. Provide feedback to each individual student at the end of class.
lindsayr Almost 8 years ago

Teaching EDEX 616 Educational Procedures for Students with Learning Disabilities Spring 2016

In this course, I plan to teach my students to use several SIM learning strategies.  After teaching, students will choose one or more of these strategies to teach a student or students.  They will provide a portfolio with evidence of their teaching the strategy.  The portfolio will include evidence of each stage of their teaching, including the pre and post test, lesson plan, etc.  The completed portfolio will include: 1) introduction that includes description of student(s), instructional setting, etc.; 2) initial assessment data and rationale for strategy selection; 3) lesson plans for teaching strategy; 4) self evaluation form; 5) final assessment of student performance; 6) all materials prepared for lessons; 7) all student work; and 8) project summary and reflection.  Submission of the portfolio will be part of their grade for the course.  Students will also have 2 exams which will have questions pertaining to the strategies they have been taught in class.

For submission of my evidence of teaching these strategies, I will provide a copy of my syllabus, showing that I have taught the strategies.  I will also submit a copy of a student's portfolio.  I will be happy to provide any other evidence necessary to receive this credential.
susanseymour About 9 years ago

Course Syllabus Integration

Provided Masters level students taking "MED 6570: Advanced Writing Strategies" the opportunity to learn about one of the reading or writing SIM strategies that would apply to their current in-service placement. Students were required to:
  • Read through the textbooks and become familiar with the strategy. 
  • Prepare to teach a 15-minute in-service for your future colleagues.
  • Teach a 15-minute lesson to your classmates about the strategy that you have been learning about.
Students were scored based on the following criteria:
  • Strategy Description: 10 points
  • Lesson Thoroughness: 10 points
  • Lesson Organization: 10 points
  • Lesson Enthusiasm/Creativity: 10 points
  • Lesson Accuracy: 10 points
leythamp Over 9 years ago