SIM Learning Strategies Professional Developer

5. Professional Learning Plan

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated December 4, 2020 at 8:52 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
• Develop a written plan for implementation of SIM in your department/school/division/region/state. • Include initial PD, instructional coaching, and technical assistance for administrators to ensure infrastructure support

All posted evidence

Google drive link for Professional Learning Plan - Dr. Phyllis HIll

drphyllishill About 1 year ago

Statewide Professional Learning Plan - updated 8/24/23

Google Docs

Professional Learning Plan: SIM Across North Carolina LEAs

Professional Learning Plan: SIM Across North Carolina LEAs A Statewide Action Plan Implementing the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) from the perspective of NCDPI, a State Education Agency (SEA) will require a large-scale, coordinated effort that involves school districts, administrators, tea...
grayal18 Over 1 year ago

Executed Professional Learning Plan at the State Agency Level

As I shared in my Apprentice Reflection, I attended the PPDI in Concord, NC on June 13-15, 2017. The PD Leaders were Dr. Patty Graner, Pam Leitzell, and Jerri Neduchal.The information these PD Leaders provided to our group gave me a comprehensive understanding of the processes involved in SIM PD certification and micro-credentialing in both Learning Strategies and Content Enhancement Routines. This understanding was beneficial to me in the position I held at the time as Section Chief of Program Improvement and Professional Development at the State Education Agency and as Project Director of the OSEP-funded State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG). One of the initiatives established for the SPDG was the focus on improved programming to address adolescent literacy implementation across the state. My goal was to build capacity and sustainability through growing tiers of professional developers over the five-year grant cycle. To reach this goal, we would: collect data on professional development accomplished within the state, support the staff of regional literacy consultants and then regional coaches to attain micro-credentials, and also provide professional coaching. Through this process, a mechanism for local education agency staff to attain micro-credentials would be created. This PPDI gave me the perspective and insight I needed for overall planning and goal setting to improve, carry out, and support this statewide plan. 
In July 2021, I left the position described above and started an education consulting company, RedDoc Consulting, Inc. I have expanded to work with SPDG grant implementation in several states and US territories and continue to refine my understanding of the elements of the successful execution of school improvement through literacy leadership plans including coaching, communities of practice, and micro-credentialing. 

reddoc Over 1 year ago

Overview implementation presentation

Google Docs

SIM LS Intro/Overview June 2022

Strategic Instruction ModelTM Learning Strategies Overview Bobbie Noall
bnoall About 2 years ago

This is the current change agent plan for SIM in my region (40+ districts in south central KY). I have already shared some of this info.

bnoall About 2 years ago

SIM overview to include a writing and reading initiative.

Google Docs

Overview Copy-SIM

Kansas University Center for Research on Learning (KUCRL) Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Erica Price, M.A. Ed., NBCT CKEC Literacy Consultant
edprice About 2 years ago

My Professional Learning Plan FAILURE and what I learned from it...

Google Docs

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Opening "Professional Learning Plan FAIL.docx" in Google Docs. This could take a few moments.
jane_hines Over 2 years ago

Data and planning- helping create a sense of urgency.

Google Docs

Data and plans

Data and plans Images are snips from the NC School Report card. See for more information.
karenstaley Over 2 years ago

PD Learning plan Karen Staley

     As a new team member on the district-level leadership team, I will soon have the opportunity to share the impacts of SIM on student success, especially for our most at-risk students.  Research from the CRL at KU has outlined a school-wide tiered framework to effectively address alarmingly poor literacy levels for all students, particularly at the secondary level.  To implement change, we must have actionable steps clearly defining a path that brings us closer to success for all.  By creating reciprocal conversations and partnerships with all the adults that are working together to better educate our students, we are able to create the change we want to see. This will start with a focus on learning strategies (LS).
     I will work to strengthen current relationships with SIM cohorts as well as, identifying and developing new avenues.  Several EC resource teachers within my district, Randolph County Schools, have participated in LS professional development sessions and will collaborate to plan for and promote fidelity of implementation.  We will work to develop teacher resources that will allow newly trained teachers to teach LS in their classrooms.  This will allow for collaboration amongst stakeholders to ensure all students have access to evidence-based practices to develop needed literacy skills.  Plans will be made to train more teachers across the district to help operationalize standard treatment protocols available for all students, across all MTSS tiers.  It is imperative to strengthen our ability to identify and intervene with student weaknesses in order to prepare our students for their post-secondary goals.  Initially, this will concentrate on small group special education classes and move towards strategies being embedded into general education classrooms.  This will require substantial buy-in and support from administration and perhaps, more importantly, a solid reliance on the partnership principles with teachers.  Once we have facilitated a standard of SIM LS as a way to grow and monitor small group EC students, this can be spread into inclusion classrooms and later into general education classes with learning strategies being taught to students by general education teachers.
     Secondarily, I will work to reduce the fragmentation of education our students endure by introducing and installing content enhancement routines to strengthen our core instruction.  This work will require a future commitment to pursuing my ability to teach CERs as well.  Research shows us that having solid consistent routines over time and across grades and subjects reduces the cognitive load required for our most consistently struggling readers.  SIM LS help educators maximize instructional time and allow teachers to develop as leaders in areas of interest.  Long-term work will surely reflect in the skills and abilities of the next generation.  
karenstaley Over 2 years ago

Proposal for SIM strategies at high school

heverlyc Almost 3 years ago

SIM/SPDG Learning Strategies Professional Development Plan

Google Docs

PD Plan.pdf

gatorkim About 3 years ago


Google Docs

SIM Strategy Plan for SKMS

SIM Strategy Plan for SKMS Word Identification Identify students per PALS and other division data that qualify for Word ID with specific weaknesses noted in decoding skills. Use with 6, 7, and 8 grade students Small group sessions of 25 minutes Collaborative/co-taught classes English support or ...
ssamples Almost 5 years ago