Proficiency in the Sentence Writing Strategy (FI)

Teach the Strategy

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  • Last updated January 25, 2018 at 10:58 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
Teach the strategy in its entirety to a person or class, following the instructional steps in the manual.

All posted evidence

Fidelity Checklist 2


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abnauman Almost 4 years ago

Fidelity Checklist 2

abnauman Almost 4 years ago

Sentence Writing Summary of Implementation Log

Google Docs

Sentence Writing Summary of Implementation

In September 2019, students were given a writing prompt to complete as a writing pre assessment. In October 2019 - I began instructing the students on the Proficiency with Sentence Writing Strategy. October 10/1 -Sentence Writing Strategy Lesson 1 - Preliminary Activities - 1. Advance Organiz...
jmalkerson Almost 5 years ago

Classroom demographics

tryan Almost 6 years ago

My classroom demographics

tryan Almost 6 years ago

Compound Pre-Post

dseward Almost 7 years ago

Compound Completion Dates

dseward Almost 7 years ago

Compound Student Graph

dseward Almost 7 years ago

Compound Control Practice

dseward Almost 7 years ago

Self-Report Continued


As of Friday, 5-25-18, 2 students had completed the Advanced Stage and 3 are copying over their final drafts. Very proud of these young people; their writing has grown tremendously due to the PSW.

As of today, 4/7 students have completed Advanced Practice.  Of the remaining three, 2 students had almost completed rewriting their prompt and the 7th student has been expelled from school.
dseward Almost 7 years ago

Self Report Summaries

Seven 8th grade students were given the Proficiency in Sentence Writing Pretest on Feb. 1, 2018. Majority of students wrote nonsense sentences. Describe, Verbal, and Model Stages were also completed on 2/16, 2/19, and 2/27. SIM coach, Julie Herzog, co-constructed a frame using the selected prompt regarding the "Advantages of Saving your Own Money to Buy Something Special." I observed this lesson. The students used this frame in a mock writing practice for the SOL that I led them in later on that week. The students have practiced using the frame as a prewriting tool to plan and execute their ideas in response to a writing prompt.

Today was spent reviewing PENS and subject/verbs. Students have been out due to SOL prep and testing. They all remembered PENS and were successful at subject/verbs. Will begin control practice on Thursday.


Students began Controlled Practice today. Several are working on their 3rd and 4th practice sheets but their grades are improving each time. 2 students reached mastery of 90% and have moved on to the 2 series sheets. One of those 2 students reached 90% and will advance into the 3 series on Thursday.
dseward Almost 7 years ago

PSW - Compound Sentences - Stage 5 - Block 5

rachel2 Almost 7 years ago