MODEL Video: (Coach)
1. Steps of the strategy were reviewed and an advance organizer was given
2. Demonstration/"think aloud" of a simple sentence was completed using the PENS steps-cowboy example (SV)-Student observed the model
3. Cognitive processes/overt behaviors were performed-Topic was paraphrased in order to position him for an SVV sentence; Referred to the rule for infinitives
4. Student enlistment model completed (SVV and SSV) - Rachel emphasized the need to balance shaping his idea without completely changing it in order to get to the correct result and maintain fidelity-Student was engaged in the steps and answered questions; Student asked questions as well, specifically should they change the formula to fit the subject and verb (self-regulation)
4. There were additional student enlistment sentences created, but not captured in the video due to battery depletion-Rachel reported gradual improvement with the fluid use of the steps and quality of the sentences created. Continue to capture
5. Teacher checked for understanding
6. Post-organizer not observed due to video ending/battery depleted
7. Student to record completion date of Stage 3 on progress chart
Video of Model Lesson-met all requirements (teacher and student behaviors) on checklist for stage 3: model-except for post-organizer and recording completion date on progress chart - these were done, but video cut off and did not captureReflection of lesson (Rachel)
- Although the lesson was completed in two parts due to lunch, the model was a success. As a result, this experience positioned the student to be more of a "leader" in the class even though he had struggled to reach mastery. This student is more confident in his work and contributions to the class.
- Student Enlistment Model - A need for balance between shaping his ideas for the sentence without "squashing" them at the same time. The end result was a complete sentence, but one that did not meet the "makes sense" requirement-See this as an opportunity for revision / compare to other sentences and be explicit
- Additional sentences shared by the student (not seen in video) were stronger examples and met the requirements of a complete sentence as well as matched the formula chosen
- Faded cues during the model - gradual release - student owning the strategy
- 1-1 feedback sessions - have seen a positive impact on student motivation and performance - does as much as possible along with additional modeling as needed during feedback