Proficiency in the Sentence Writing Strategy (FI)

Supporting Observation and/or Video

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  • Last updated January 24, 2018 at 10:46 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Be observed by your professional developer in person or by video.  Post the observation checklist from the observing professional developer. If you would like to post your video to your credential (by posting a link to your video from Vimeo, YouTube, or another video hosting site) ensure that all permissions are in place or privacy settings activated.  Posted video will be viewable to anyone viewing your credential.   More than one video may be submitted to your professional developer for feedback or posted to your credential.  The video should show the entire model, including the beginning of the lesson, your modeling of the strategy for students, continuing until the end of the lesson.  Follow the modeling checklist below:    

Modeling Video Evaluation Checklist of Critical Teacher Behavior
The following criteria will be used in evaluating the video:
  1. Gives Advance Organizer
  • Gains student attention
  • Reviews the previous learning
  • Personalizes the strategy
  • Defines the content
  • States expectations
  • Makes all necessary materials available
  1. Presents Model of Strategy from Start to Finish
  • "thinks aloud"
  • Carries out self-instruction
  • "Guides" self through strategy by verbalizing appropriate questions
  • Performs the physical behaviors involved in the strategy
  • Verbalizes problem-solving
  • Verbalizes self-monitoring
  • Performs model of all the steps
  1. Enlists Student Involvement in Demonstration after Providing Complete Model
  • Asks students to perform a certain part of the strategy
  • Checks students' understanding by questioning about what they observed
  • Asks students to identify the next step to be performed
  • Involves all students
  • Provides assistance, cues or prompts to students as needed.
  • Engineers success
  1. Gives Post Organizer
  • Reviews the model
  • Personalizes the strategy
  • Gives direction
  • States expectations
  • Cues progress charts

All posted evidence

Part 3 of compound lesson instruction

abnauman Almost 4 years ago

Part 2 of compound sentence instruction

abnauman Almost 4 years ago

Part 1 of compound sentence instruction

abnauman Almost 4 years ago

PSW Coaching Report 2-4-2020

jmalkerson Almost 5 years ago

Coaching Report 12-10-2019

jmalkerson About 5 years ago

Part 2 of teaching strategy


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tryan Almost 6 years ago

First video of teaching the strategy


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Google Drive is a free way to keep your files backed up and easy to reach from any phone, tablet, or computer. Start with 15GB of Google storage - free.
tryan Almost 6 years ago

Lack of Video

A video was taken of me teaching this strategy, but it would not upload to J. Herzog's device.  So she viewed it on my device when she made her next site visit.  She wrote about the video in hoxie and approved it.
dseward About 6 years ago


MODEL Video: (Coach)
1. Steps of the strategy were reviewed and an advance organizer was given 
2. Demonstration/"think aloud" of a simple sentence was completed using the PENS steps-cowboy example (SV)-Student observed the model 
3. Cognitive processes/overt behaviors were performed-Topic was paraphrased in order to position him for an SVV sentence; Referred to the rule for infinitives 
4. Student enlistment model completed (SVV and SSV) - Rachel emphasized the need to balance shaping his idea without completely changing it in order to get to the correct result and maintain fidelity-Student was engaged in the steps and answered questions; Student asked questions as well, specifically should they change the formula to fit the subject and verb (self-regulation) 
4. There were additional student enlistment sentences created, but not captured in the video due to battery depletion-Rachel reported gradual improvement with the fluid use of the steps and quality of the sentences created. Continue to capture 
5. Teacher checked for understanding 
6. Post-organizer not observed due to video ending/battery depleted 
7. Student to record completion date of Stage 3 on progress chart

Video of Model Lesson-met all requirements (teacher and student behaviors) on checklist for stage 3: model-except for post-organizer and recording completion date on progress chart - these were done, but video cut off and did not captureReflection of lesson (Rachel)
- Although the lesson was completed in two parts due to lunch, the model was a success. As a result, this experience positioned the student to be more of a "leader" in the class even though he had struggled to reach mastery. This student is more confident in his work and contributions to the class. 
- Student Enlistment Model - A need for balance between shaping his ideas for the sentence without "squashing" them at the same time. The end result was a complete sentence, but one that did not meet the "makes sense" requirement-See this as an opportunity for revision / compare to other sentences and be explicit 
- Additional sentences shared by the student (not seen in video) were stronger examples and met the requirements of a complete sentence as well as matched the formula chosen 
- Faded cues during the model - gradual release - student owning the strategy 
- 1-1 feedback sessions - have seen a positive impact on student motivation and performance - does as much as possible along with additional modeling as needed during feedback
rachel2 Almost 7 years ago

PSW - Simple Sentences - Stage 3 - Part 2



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rachel2 Almost 7 years ago

PSW - Simple Sentences - Stage 3 - part 1



Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!
rachel2 Almost 7 years ago

Simple Sentence Stage 5 student conference


11-1-2017 PSW stage 5.MPG

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!
rachel2 Almost 7 years ago