Quiana Fields

7. Describe your Coaching

Description of instruction of a group of six teachers

  • January 27, 2017 at 7:41 AM
  • Last updated about 8 years ago
  • Visible to public
  • The success of the group instruction was getting the teachers involved by having them write sentences with a given formula after I modeled how to do so. I treated the session just like it was a classroom of middle school students and modeled how to get the students engaged. This idea worked, as the teachers were tired and the approach of snapping our fingers and reviewing the note sheets and formulas kept them active along with me.
  • The challenges stemmed from some teachers having to remember helping verbs. This challenge turned into a teachable moment as just like in the classroom, teachers have to be prepared and activate the prior knowledge of the class to ensure students know what prerequisite skills are needed. The teachers were able to use the helping verb sheet to assist with the learning sheets.
  • An adjustment to make would be to include the helping verb song/note sheet in the rapid fire review when snapping your fingers.